Advantages of Choosing MEAN Stack


What is the MEAN Stack?

Mean Stack is a full-stack user-friendly JavaScript framework that is used for building dynamic websites and applications. It is completely free of cost and open to alter stack crafted to supply developer with a quick and disciplined method for creating a MEAN based web application. The prime advantage of this stack is a single language i.e. JavaScript. It runs on every level of application, making it an efficient and modern technology in the field of mean stack web development.

Different technologies are created to give administrations to expanding interest for portable and web applications over the globe. Among all, MEAN which is a free and open-source JavaScript programming stack holds an awesome significance for creating dynamic web applications and sites. The acronym MEAN stands for the MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js, which are open-source JavaScript-based innovations. A full-stack JavaScript structure which is utilized to create web applications rapidly and effortlessly can be empowered by utilizing all these powerhouse innovations together.


The MEAN stack is an acronym which stands for MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js. 

  • MongoDB: It is an open-source NoSQL database utilizing an archive situated data model. This implies it depends on the engineering comprising of accumulations and reports rather than tables and lines (as in social databases). Because of its design, this database is to a great degree versatile and can deal with expansive volumes of information.
  • Express: It is a lightweight server-side JavaScript structure. As a piece of the MEAN stack, it is utilized together with node.js to improve the advancement procedure. It makes it less demanding to compose secure, measured, and quick applications.
  • Angular.js: It has long turned into a "default" web frontend JavaScript system. Fabricated and kept up by Google, the structure takes into account the quick advancement of dynamic, single-page web applications. Its measured structure disentangles improvement and testing and takes into account simple versatility.
  • Node.js: It is a JavaScript-constructed runtime that worked with respect to Chrome's V8 motor. By ordering the JavaScript source code to local machine code before the execution, it takes into account building versatile and performing web applications. Node.js has a rich biological community of open source libraries and segments, including an npm.

Why mean stack for web development?


A considerable measure of innovations has been made up until now. The reason behind making these advancements is to offer administrations, for developing the interest of web and portable applications around the globe. 

Among these different advances, we have MEAN, or, in other words, and an open-source JavaScript programming stack innovation. It is known for the improvement of various web applications and sites, which are for the most part unique. The full type of this specific acronym is MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. Also, one can empower a full-stack JavaScript structure just by utilizing all these made references to advancements together. We will have a look at a few of the advantages that could be derived by the use of MEAN stack.

  • Easier switching between client and server

Creating applications utilizing MEAN is basic and quick since developers are permitted to compose code just in one language i.e. JavaScript for both customer and server-side. A JavaScript expert can deal with the entire undertaking with the assistance of the MEAN Stack equation. With Node.js, a developer can convey the applications on the server specifically without the need of sending it to a remain standalone server.

  • Highly Flexible

MEAN Stack is an adaptable and proficient JavaScript structure that can viably deal with activities of everything being equal and organizations. It tends to be a complex task or the customer may request that you construct single-page applications or the troublesome applications. In any case, on the off chance that you are helped by an accomplished group and have solid coordination, at that point it turns out to be significantly less demanding to chip away at different ventures. Indeed, even the sharing of information and other data is straightforward; you should simply include a field and pursue further procedures.

MEAN enables you to test an application on a cloud stage effectively after fruitful fulfillment of a meanstack development procedure. Applications can be effortlessly created, tried, and presented in the cloud. It additionally enables you to include additional data just by adding the field to your shape. MongoDB, particularly intended for the cloud, gives full group support and programmed replication.

  • Cost-effective

One of the indispensable reasons why MEAN stack has topped the rundown of both the customer and the engineer is because of its budget-friendly nature. The customers won't have to scan for various engineers since this system is a full-stack. Truth be told, as far back as it has picked up noticeable quality, various youthful hopeful engineers are demonstrating their distinct fascination. It gives you the chance to fill in as an effective group where all JavaScript designers have appointed a task and they take a shot at it with coordination.

Creating applications with MEAN stack requires a developer who is capable at JavaScript, while the LAMP stack requires engineers who are master in MySQL, JavaScript, and PHP. As less number of engineers are required to create applications utilizing MEAN stack, the sum to be contributed to enlist the number of mean stack developers will likewise be less. In this way, we can state MEAN stack is exceptionally practical and regularly, the best method for managing.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is utilized in both NodeJS and AngularJS. What's more, MongoDB is a part based social database that offers clients to spare archives in JSON format. In any case, it is restricted for just little to the middle of the road level organizations. For the most part, engineers lean toward MEAN stack at different phases of utilization and web advancement.


MEAN stack designers are concerned. It helps in a consistent dispersion of the data between the layers on the off chance that the designer is picking either MongoDB or AngularJS. You are spared from the endeavors of again composing the codes. The developers can likewise have an entrance to PHP. What more should be possible is data can be imported with the assistance of the codes from the MSQL server and furthermore process it too. 

JSON likewise gives you the upside of JSON is that MEAN uses comparable organizations every last time and in the event that you are reformatting, at that point you can spare a considerable measure of time. Much all the more satisfying is the way that it underpins outer APIs so you can work with them.

  • Cloud compatibility

All the MEAN stack advancements are open source and accessible for free. It enables the improvement to a process utilizing libraries and open stores and lessens the advancement cost. MongoDB sends cloud functionalities inside the application by diminishing the disk space cost.

Another point that goes into the support of MEAN stack is that it's a full JavaScript structure that demonstrates value for both the customer and the server-side. Moreover, it underpins the two Windows and Linux OS. On account of the nearness of JavaScript, it offers an ideal client encounter and furthermore helps with dealing with the information suitably. 

The JavaScript additionally assumes a helpful job in the recuperation of the information and in the event that you are utilizing MEAN, at that point this procedure additionally accelerates. It has turned into a dependable and ground-breaking structure that encourages engineers to create web applications. Both Node.js and Angular.js gives a superior degree to make adaptable and dynamic web applications. Accordingly, the odds of movement increments turn out to be more probable.

  • Best for business due to scalability

If you have a look at the components of the mean stack then you would notice that each of them is free as well as open-source. Other than that, it also contains a set of reusable modules. Collectively, all these play a significant role in speeding up the MEAN stack development process. 


MEAN stack is quick growing, simple to learn, and simple to join around. Any innovation accessible in Stack can be utilized effortlessly in coordination with another, contingent upon the necessity. In any case, it is unquestionably another front-line innovation and advancement that will potentially lead the market in the blink of an eye. So, there remains presumably no doubt that MEAN stack is an ideal decision with regards to building up a dynamic and very visited web application. It gives you the stage to fabricate single-page applications and additionally the more troublesome applications. Surely, Node.js has just got a portion of the monster players on the stage that incorporate Netflix, PayPal, LinkedIn, and Uber, and so on. 

Furthermore, it's consistent with much degree that gradually and bit by bit MEAN is getting greater and is on the method for overwhelming LAMP sooner or later of time. Along these lines, in the event that you are hunting down an expert MEAN stack engineer to provide food your requirements, at that point connect with the specialists.